Monday, November 5, 2012

An Update from the LIGHT!

God said "let there be light," and there was light!

Thanks to the tireless, round the clock work of PSE&G at the urging of East Brunswick's Mayor, David Stahl, I am happy to report that as of this evening, I officially have power in my home. I cannot wait to return home and not have to open my garage door manually, use a lantern to get around, warm up by sitting next to the fireplace, attempt to put make up on by leaning out the window, or have to walk my dog in the pitch black with a flashlight in hand. I am looking forward to a warm shower and a warm house to dry off in, walking my dog on a lit street, a night not completely bundled up almost to the point of immobilization, and some mindless hours watching awful television. I can't wait to go to my proper polling place and place a vote to help determine the next president of the United States of America tomorrow.

I've learned a lot in my week detached from technology. My faith in humanity and the selflessness of strangers has been restored. I spent hours keeping my Dad's spirits up and he returned the favor equally as much. I fell even more in love with my pup. No matter how awful our conditions got, she remained largely unfazed, still wanting to play and run and always bringing a smile to our faces. I woke up one morning to find out that a young man had been traveling through my neighborhood with nothing but a chainsaw and determination to help. He helped my dad remove the gigantic branches that had come down during the storm and that took up the majority of my front and back yards, chopped them up, and brought them down to the street for pick up. I met a cab driver in New York City who not only had left his family in their powerless Brooklyn apartment, but had been driving back and forth to Connecticut just to fill his gas tank in order to continue working. I met a pizza delivery woman who left her children with a neighbor so that she could work in the warmth and deliver warm food to those in the cold. I kept tabs via Twitter on our mayor as he fought for the people of my town, demanding answers and action from the power companies even as his own family still remained in the dark. I was invited into the homes of friends, family, and former classmates throughout my town, state, region, reaching all the way north to Boston and south to Miami. I thank each and every one of you and encourage anyone effected to pay it forward to those in need around you.

Tomorrow polls open throughout the country as voters will flock to polling places, hopefully, in record numbers. New Yorkers and New Jerseyians who have been displaced from the storm are able to vote in any polling place in their state. There is also the option of email ballots by calling your country clerk's office and requesting email ballot authorization. No matter your affiliation or where you stand on the political spectrum, do yourself and your country a favor and cast a vote tomorrow. This is our future and we should all have a say in the path we take over the next four years. Let your voice be heard.

Anxious to head back to a warm house and cast my own vote tomorrow.
Stay warm,

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